Achat local Vaudreuil-Soulanges | Do you buy local?

What does buying local mean?

In essence, buying local means buying products that are made and grown in Quebec, shopping in independent businesses in one’s region or favouring Quebec companies over large multinationals.

Meaning of local buying

Quebecers who buy local are unequivocal about the benefits of this kind of consuming. Here are a few compelling reasons why they do it that might inspire you to buy local too:

  • They derive pleasure from it.
  • They reap health benefits: certain fruits and vegetables can lose some of their vitamins during transportation or storage.
  • They can trace the origin of products.
  • They contribute to the protection of the environment by reducing transportation impacts.
  • They help support their local economy as buying local creates jobs.
  • They contribute to strengthening the social fabric of many rural areas.
  • They help ensure decent working conditions and fair wages for employees.

Why buy local?

Why buy local

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is the positive impact on the regional economy, but buying local has other benefits too. In fact, this act of responsible consumption allows us to :

  • Reduce our environmental footprint.
  • Contribute to sustainable development.
  • Encourage people in our community.
  • Support and create jobs.

Do you buy local?


Achat local VS has created a toolbox containing a multitude of ways you can support local businesses


Vaudreuil-Soulanges businesses directory

Easily find businesses near you via an interactive map that lets you search by municipality, product category or service
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Ecolocal market

The Ecolocal market,
a regional online sales platform

Have groceries, artisanal goods or products for your home delivered to your door from your favourite local businesses To know more
Achat local Vaudreuil-Soulanges Facebook page

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